Boston Scientific Overpaid for Guidant
Guidant & Abbott Labs Come Away Victorious

WSJ reported last week that Boston Scientific (NYSE:BSX) examined a Guidant deal three years ago and passed, but became intrigued this time around at taking advantage of a lower Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) bid for the company.
But did Boston Scientific overpay for Guidant?
Ask yourself who really knows more about Guidant. Johnson & Johnson – who spent $10s of millions over the past several months combing through the inner workings of Guidant – decided the price was too high and walked away from the deal… Do we trust their judgment?
J&J agreed to buy Guidant in December 2004 after spending upwards of $1 million a day evaluating the business units product-by-product. Then six months later, Guidant reported a flaw in one of its defibrillators, and soon pulled five of the devices from the very market for which J&J wanted Guidant in the first place.
Thus, J&J eventually lowered its deal price for Guidant. This “opened the door” for Boston Scientific to enter the bidding war & eventually come away the victor.
In summary, Boston Scientific passed on buying Guidant 3 years ago. Since then, Guidant’s price has tripled, their defibrillators have failed, and J&J has walked away. Boston Scientific better know something that J&J does not!
Only time will tell whether that's true for Boston Scientific's acquisition of Guidant, but it looks as though Abbott Labs (NYSE:ABT) is already coming out a winner.
Assuming no more surprises in the Boston Scientific/Guidant soap opera, Abbott will end up acquiring Guidant's vascular business for $4.1 billion. It will also buy $1.4 billion worth of BSX's stock. That immediately enhances Abbott's credibility as a future player in the stent market.
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