Phantom's Scam Artist Resigns

The SEC has an open case against Mr. Roberts for the infamous fax scam back in 2004 when Roberts profited over $400,000 in a few short trading days after Infinium Labs stock soared >10,000%. Michael Pickens, who was hired to send out these faxes promoting the now-defunct Phantom console, has since been jailed for other similar penny stock scams.
The stock is down 99.97% to $0.0005 since Timothy Roberts committed the crime.
Although this news may have come 3 years too late, it's the first step in becoming a legitimate company.
Also today, Phantom Entertainment announced a small funding deal that will aid in October's Lapboard launch. Back in April, Ione teamed up with PHEI to manufacture & distribute these gaming keyboards. This puts the launch in the hands of a more competent partner, which is great news considering PHEI's 0.000% batting average.
Could the future actually look promising for Phantom Entertainment? They have funding for the Lapboards, they have a competent manufacturing partner who is driving the launch, they have a pending Alienware order, and they no longer have the dark cloud overhead in the form of Timothy Roberts.
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