Hillary the Favorite

Bodog has just released the early odds on the 2008 Democratic Presidential nominee. Who’s the overwhelming favorite? Hillary Clinton of course; not surprising considering she is the only prominent Democrat to provide the slightest hint of running up to this point (and the media pops the question every chance they get).
No odds have been released on the GOP side.
Who will be the Democratic Presidential nominee in 2008?
Sen. Hillary Clinton 5/6
Former Vice President Al Gore 3/1
Former Sen. John Edwards 19/5
Sen. John Kerry 5/1
Gov. Bill Richardson 8/1
Former Gov. Mark Warner 10/1
Sen. Russ Feingold 10/1
Sen. Joseph Biden 13/1
Sen. Evan Bayh 14/1
Sen. Barack Obama 15/1
Sen. Joe Lieberman 15/1
Gov. Tom Vilsack 22/1
General Wesley Clark 33/1
Sen. Christopher Dodd 35/1
Former Sen. Mike Gravel 40/1
Sen. Barbara Boxer 45/1
Former Sen. Tom Daschle 45/1
Rep. Dennis Kucinich 50/1
Gov. Phil Bredesen 50/1
Gov. Brian Schweitzer 55/1
Sen. Blanche Lincoln 60/1
Gov. Joe Manchin 60/1
Gov. Mike Easley 65/1
Reverend Al Sharpton 70/1
is barack even old enough to run? he looks like he just graduated high school. would love to see him run but i think he'll wait a few more years.
What's up with the Hillary photo? I bet if you would scroll down, you'd see Bill on his knees!
Sorry, couldn't find a better attention-getter.
I would like to see Hillary as President and Obama as VP. Not because I like them, but because I would like to see Republicans lining up for cyanide-laced kool-aid on November 8th, 2008.
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